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Recommended Uses:

  • A spacer used to separate drilling fluids and cementing slurries
  • Lost Circulation Additive
  • Drilling fluids in both water and oil-based fluids

Performance Benefits:

  • Dual performance Benefits used as a Spacer and Dry Blended LCM.
  • Compatible with oil, water, and synthetic-based drilling fluids.
  • Insoluble in oil.
  • Superior performance in thermal operations.
  • Aids in pipe and casing sliding
  • Reduces bit-baling.
  • Compatible with most cementing Additives.

Cost Benefits:

  • #1 Spacer and LCM combination
  • Four Wel-Dril Products blended into ONE

Customer Service Benefits:

  • Exemplary service
  • Most orders ready for shipment in 24-48 hours

WelDril Products is renowned in the oil field for its commitment to providing outstanding products and services to its customers. In keeping with that commitment, WelDril has developed WelSPACER. WelSPACER consists of four blended proprietary components, three of which are manufactured in our own WelDril facilities. WelSPACER utilizes a diverse particle size distribution system that is designed to serve as a spacer and /or a lost circulation additive. Additionally, WelSPACER can be used in various water or oil-based drilling fluids where suspension agents can be added.

Appearance Black granules w/multi colored rigid Flakes
Bulk Density 0.799 g/ml
Specific Gravity (1.15-1.3)
Absolute Density 73.9 lb./ft3 –80.8 lb./ft3
Temperature Stability 500°F (260°C) to 1,112°F (600°C)
SAR No. 6.3— Miller No. 6 — Gold No. 0.05